Sunday, December 30, 2007
New Year's almost here!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Happy Christmas!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Winter Solstice Wishes

Wishing you & yours the Brightest of Blessings through this Winter Solstice, the Return of the Sun.x..
In deep thanks to all who have shared, supported & smiled with us. Namaste.x..
At this astronomical moment in time there are Blessings & Openings for us beyond our wildest dreams.
Simply think only upon that which you want, do not dwell one moment on what you don’t want.
Know there is no order of difficulty & all limits are placed upon yourself by what you believe to be so. Focus Create & Know. Let your words & your world reflect that Knowledge.
Hold your Vision & what it is that you Seek & it will be made Manifest to You in the Here & Now.
Time Collapses, Space Expands & so do YOU.x..
Peace, Love & Light to Guide you
Anni & Cindy x
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Meet Lua McIlraith!

Universally Rio is delighted to introduce Lua McIlraith!
Lua lives in Dublin, Ireland and I first met her on the Soul Safari in March this year. We shared some amazing experiences out in the bush and I will never forget her beautiful singing voice being carried out across the ocean on the wind as she sang to the dolphins. What a magical time we had!
You can get to know Lua better through her profile in Around the World.
Welcome to Universally Rio Lua!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Christmas treatments!

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Where am I?

Saturday, December 8, 2007
It's snowing!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Embarrassed in Abuja!
Monday, December 3, 2007
It was a bright, chilly morning and I drove up to Edinburgh with the windows wide open to blow away any cobwebs and to breathe in the revitalizing and bracing Scottish air. I had an appointment to meet up with Annette who is eagerly offering up her feet to be read by Jane Sheehan for our January edition. Our mission was to take some up close and personal photographs of her feet ... and very interesting feet they are too! Standing up, sitting down, feet together, one foot, two feet, feet on the table, tops of feet, soles of feet and toes alone. Nothing was left to the imagination! It was only a short visit, but it was great fun to meet Annette again and I have to say that she also makes a great gluten free muffin!
Then it was back in the car and I headed off to eh9Design to meet with Marten, Universally Rio's webdesigner, for an afternoon of creative brainstorming. I love going to see him and each time I walk through his door I am welcomed into an atmosphere of relaxed, efficient tranquility and I'm continually impressed by the hugely, massively, awesome computer screen that he creates his magic on. We had a very productive afternoon, interspersed with much laughter as we tried out various special effects to help bring Christmas into UR's pages. But before we knew it, almost four hours and passed and it was time for me to go. My only 'disappointment' of the afternoon was that there were absolutely no biscuits at eh9Design ... but then again it was probably a blessing in disguise!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The Power of Intent
Imagine the amazing possibilities for the whole of mankind and our beautiful planet if we all started fulfilling our true potential and started working together for the greater good. There really is nothing standing in our way except our own limiting beliefs. There is no time like the present to start the tide of change ... so what's stopping you?!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Return to the Borders
So now I have a couple of days to catch up with myself, to unpack and to just revel in the joys of being home. Things like hot buttered crumpets and huge mugs of strong 'builders' tea while watching morning TV in bed are a decadent luxury high on my list, but once my body catches up with me I'll be out and about and firing on all cylinders. There is just so much to do! I'll keep you posted!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Hello from Hong Kong!

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Roseline Deleu's Feng Shui Cartoon Book
Together with a wonderful cartoonist SoozieM, she has brought to life the first and only CARTOON GUIDE to Easy Steps to Feng Shui.
Roseline was born in Belgium where the famous cartoon Tintin originated, Belgium is not only a great country where they produce chocolate… they have the Cartoon Museum too!
The book is A4 size 64 pages paper back cover, full colour with inside black and white printing so you can colour the illustrations when you wish to Feng Shui them.
A great Christmas idea for children and adults!!! Yes, they both read this!
The price only $ 20 per copy + $ 5 postage & handling
Easy to order through Paypal
Wishing you an enjoyable Feng Shui reading!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
An Introduction to Reflexology and the Universal Approach

Hosted by the British and Commonwealth Society of Rio de Janeiro.
Tuesday 20th November 2007
7.30pm - 9.30pm
Jubilee Hall
Rua Real Grandeza, Botafogo
A relaxed and fun evening to highlight the practical workings of Traditional and Universal Reflexology and how we can all ultimately improve our lives and health through a positive mindset. There will be voluntary audience participation, practical demonstrations, enlightening information, a handout to keep and a lucky dip to win a reflexology treatment or Indian head massage with Sally.
Please book your place with Sally or through the BCS: or tel 2537 6695
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Hello from Rio!
In love and light, Sally x
Friday, November 2, 2007
A Spiritual Tour of Egypt
A Spiritual Tour from Cairo to Aswan, Luxor and Sinai
with Vicki Rebecca and Amr Helly
…do you like the sound of meditation in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid, sailing the Nile from Aswan.... walking the back streets of the most famous souk in the world…visiting Karnack Temple; Luxor Temple; the Valley of the Kings... the tranquillity of a sunrise balloon ride over the West Bank, sunset meditation, yoga by the Nile, eating beautiful food and sharing wonderful sacred sites with like-minded individuals, watching the sound and light show against the backdrop of the sphinx.... driving into the Sinai by 4X4; spending nights under the stars at Serabiet, on top that famous mountain where Moses had the Tabernacle; Saint Katharine and on the beach at Nuiwba…..
And to add to that experience…a wonderful supportive group… perhaps....initiation in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid.... Rememberings of your stellar roots as you sleep under desert stars...
The tour is a wonderful combination of archaeological exploration, spiritual practice and sightseeing - all experienced with the reassuring comfort of luxury accommodation and under the supportive eye of Vicki and Amr, the trip promises to be an experience of a lifetime.
contact or 44 (0)13398 87184
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Halo Gaia - Two spaces now open...
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Yvonne Jevons' Raindrop Technique Training
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Terry Anne Scholes at the Hull Comedy Festival
Hull Comedy Festival is the biggest and best programme of comedy events the City has ever seen, with headliners playing at major venues, community programmes, open outdoor events, pub and club stand-up comedy and a programme of competitions.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Discovering Carioca Forever
If you are from Rio de Janeiro, then you are a '
Starting a new life in the infamous city of Rio de Janeiro can be daunting for many of the ex-pat families that find themselves here… but help is at hand!
Carioca Forever is the website and online newsletter that links up the English speaking community in Rio de Janeiro. It offers everything from restaurant recommendations, helpful tips for living in Brazil, cultural events, readers’ stories, music, sport, cooking, community news, pets, travel, worthy causes and so much more.
It is as welcoming and friendly as it is informative, and is a great way of connecting and keeping in touch with the huge number of multinational families and communities that live here. So come and see what all us
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Brazil’s Independence Day
This was just one of the celebrations that took place all over the country to celebrate Dom Pedro’s declaration of Brazil’s independence from Portugal on the 7th September 1822.
A naval parade along Rio de Janeiro’s famous coast line of Leblon, Ipanema, Arpoador, Copacabana and Leme beaches, with the navy’s most modern vessels leading the way, was a fitting and awe inspiring sight for this proud nation.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Edinburgh Body and Soul Fair
The Assembly Rooms
George Street
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Prayer for World Peace by Vanessa Edwards
Each person surrender to their Higher selves and gain a new inner peace and serenity
Leave behind the residual conditioning and emotions of the past and cultivate a new level of understanding, forgiveness and compassion
Enabling the world’s population to live together in acceptance of each person’s individuality, diversity and beliefs
Embracing a new level of stability, security, world peace, plenty for everyone, harmony and unity
As each person moves forward on this level of unconditional love, may they shine and become empowered as they recognise their individual strengths, gifts and talents, and accelerate their own learning, experience, knowledge and wisdom
Let us understand how all of this can effect a new foundation and benefit the Highest good of mankind and humanity
May each person make a difference in our World and from this life experience move forward with understanding and enlightenment
This prayer is said with the highest levels of love, sincerity and integrity
In Love, and Light and Healing
Mind Body Soul Exhibitions
Monday, September 10, 2007
Discover Reiki…in Egypt!
A wonderful opportunity to experience eastern Egypt and learn the healing art of Reiki in a peaceful and uplifting setting. Book your suite online now at
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Jane Sheehan's Australian Foot Reading Workshops
Brisbane 22-23 Sept: Virginia Palms International Hotel
Sydney 29-30 Sept: Swiss Grand hotel, Bondi Beach
Melbourne 6-7 Oct: Medina Grand Hotel, 189 Queen St
Perth 13-14 Oct: Holiday Inn, 788 Hay St
Sally Teixeira Events in Rio de Janeiro and Sydney
Personal treatments at Ananda, Espaco de Yoga e Meditacao
Monday mornings, Thursdays and Fridays
Seminar with Chris Stormer
November 20
An Introduction to Reflexology and the Universal Approach
With Sally Teixeira
A relaxed and fun evening full of insights into how to understand and improve your health and how the feet can show the way!
British and Commonwealth Society,
Jubilee Hall, Jardim Botanico, Rio de Janeiro
R$10 on the door
Vicki Rebecca Spiritual Tour of Egypt
About Amr Helly
Vicki intends to bring to the Spiritual Tour and your Egyptian Mastery 2007 a supportive and magical group, a group which no doubt is already chosen. So my intention is to facilitate that group in personal and spiritual development through group work which will likely include body movement, yoga exercises, meditation, and guided journeys, e.g. Egyptian Mystery Schools. Just as in working with any client I will listen to the group and do my best to bring together what I sense is just right at the time.
The energy and experience that is Egypt needs no added extras, the group work is simply to facilitate and help bring to consciousness what is.
Private Therapy / Training / Past Life work will be available, if the need for therapy arises during the trip just let me know at the time but training must be discussed and arranged at the time of booking as it will entail staying a further 2/3 days on Red Sea or possibly Petra or Luxor.
Initiations and Attunements will also be available through prior arrangement - by the Nile or in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. The spiritual tour of Egypt with Sinai and Red Sea options is open to all interested parties.
For more information contact Vicki or visit
Monday, July 30, 2007
Jenny Searles Events
If you want to rid yourself of a craving of any type of food or drink then this is the workshop for you! Just bring along the 2 items that you would like to stop craving for and be amazed by the results.
Wed 3
A fun and relaxed day including:
What is EFT & why is it so effective?
How negative emtions disrupt your energy system.
The Basic Recipe
Practical work on:
A physical discomfort
A bothersome memory
Constricted breathing
Testing your results
Examples of energetic shifts
Sat 17
A fun and relaxed day including:
What is EFT & why is it so effective?
How negative emotions disrupt your energy system.
The Basic Recipe
Practical work on:
A physical discomfort
A bothersome memory
Constricted breathing
Testing your results
Examples of energetic shifts
A course for those wishing to use EFT on a professional basis.
Going into greater depth and learning how to uncover the core issue.
Additional tapping points
Addressing physical issues
How to work EFT over the telephone
How to deliver EFT to groups
Refining further delivery skills
Testing results
Food Cravings Workshop
If you want to rid yourself of a craving of any type of food or drink then this is the workshop for you! Just bring along the 2 items that you would like to stop craving for and be amazed by the results.
Jenny Searles’ workshops for EFT Level I & II are Accredited by AAMET (the governing body for EFT within the UK) and approved by Gary Craig, the founder of EFT.