Where have I been these last few days?
It's called QRS. Quick Response Standby. Holed up in an airport hotel at the mercy of my employer's beeper... which gives me 45 minutes notice of having to be packed, in uniform and ready to join a crew and go to work. So for 2 days I sat on the edge of my chair, paced my room, couldn't sleep for fear that I wouldn't hear it go off, kept checking the screen to make sure it was still working ... and then finally on day 3, I am called out. Agh!
The adrenaline surge was tremendous and as with any mad dash, everything took twice as long and I couldn't get my case shut. A bit of brute force did it. Thrown in at the deep end, into one of 'those' busy, manic, 'don't even think about sitting down' flights, there really wasn't time to let my mind catch up with my body. One minute I was watching Fern and Phillip on This Morning and the next I was counting catering and coping with too much handbaggage for the already bulging overhead lockers.
That was yesterday, and today I wake up and I am in Accra, Ghana.
But do you know what? The Universe has weaved its magic again, because my new roster means I can join my mother and my brothers on her birthday and I will be back with my lovely husband in Rio by next weekend. Fantastic ... thank you!
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