A short report-back from Edna...
on Earth Heal's Equinox-Mayan New Year distant healing event on 21 March 2008
Greetings to everyone at Universally Rio! It's wonderful to be part of this amazing network of people, and blessings to Sally for making it possible for us to communicate with one another here!
The photograph is of me with my son Raul, on the beach last Sunday at Praia do Frances.
This is a short report-back on the distant healing event we hosted on the Equinox, March 21. The energies were crystal clear and incredibly powerful on that day, which was also Mayan New Year, Good Friday, and a day before the full moon.
There were 217 participants located around the world, tuning in from as far afield as South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Argentina, Dubai, the USA, Panama, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Austria, Spain and Norway.
The event was facilitated by me (Edna Spennato), located in Praia do Frances on the North East coast of Brazil, with the assistance of five surrogates on five different continents, whose role it was to anchor the incoming healing energy and release disharmonic energies on behalf of all the participants and the collective energy field (the morphic field) of the planet.
Each of the participants was worked on as an individual and as part of the group, and many participants reported that the energies and sensations they experienced were very strongly felt. To read the feedback received from the facilitator and surrogates sent out after the event, please go to this link. To read participant's feedback received after the event, please go to this link.
The energy field of the planet as a whole was a major focus for this event, as well as specific countries, species, aspects of the natural kingdom, current events happening around the globe which affect masses of people, and even certain politicians whose roles are affecting the planet at this time. Some of the areas which our unseen helpers focussed on during the treatment process included:
The animal kingdom as a whole
The mineral kingdom
Whales and dolphins
The ocean current known as the Gulf Stream, which carries warm water north from the mid-Atlantic to the USA, Europe and the UK
Current events in Tibet, Palestine (particularly Gaza), South America (particularly Venezuela), Liberia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, Ireland, Italy, Cuba, Java, Russia and South Africa (with emphasis on the crime rate)
The outbreak of the Dengue epidemic in Brazil, which has killed almost 70 people in Rio in the last few weeks
The relationship of the collective consciousness to:
The jailing of people for "thought crimes", including those known as "historical revisionists"
war crimes
the mainstream media
the world economy
the weapons industry.
More info about this event will be posted on the Earth Heal blog soon, and in the meantime, you are all invited to join us for our upcoming distant healing events on 5 May (New Moon) and 21 June (Solstice).
Blessings to all, and a million kisses from Brazil's Norde Este coast!
Edna Spennato
Earth Heal Geoharmonic Research Project
Related links
The Equinox - Mayan New Year group distant healing event, 21 March 2008
More info...
Feedback from participants after the Equinox event
Feedback from the facilitator and surrogates after the event
Earth Heal Blog