Once again, the spark of an idea grew into something wonderful! With my upcoming workshop in Scotland rapidly approaching, I was thinking up different ways that I could help one of the delegates who is blind. Mmmm. While I was in Dubai with Chris, I had led some of the afternoon practical sessions and the lovely ladies there had all commented on how soothing it was to listen to my voice. "Ping!" On came the lightbulb above my head and I decided to talk through a Universal Reflexology treatment and give her the recording as her course guide. From there it just grew. My husband suggested making a professional CD and my brother connected me up with his friend Sergei, who is a professional musician and teacher and who has a studio in his own home. And there we have it, my first CD called Universal Reflexology and the Healing Journey came into being.It was a great experience doing the recording and I learnt all about microphones, volumes, editing and how it takes water 20 minutes to reach the voice box and for the voice to warm up! And my brother recorded the event with a series of photos, one of which he has jazzed up for me here. A great big thank you to everyone for helping me bring my first CD into reality!
If you are signed up for my workshop in Elgin you will receive the CD as a special gift... to celebrate its arrival!
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