Thursday, February 28, 2008

Meeting Amy

One of the many highlights of my stay in Dubai, was meeting Amy. On the very first night that I spent in her room, my dreams were filled with images of her as I felt her powerful presence connect with me. Although I rarely saw her move, her energy filled the room and I found myself saying "good morning" and "goodnight" and I always said "hello" whenever I came into the room.
It wasn't until my last night in Dubai that I actually asked if I could take her out. What a truly incredible experience that was. Her seemingly inaminate body became vibrant and strong and I was transfixed by her grace, peace and subtle strength. I couldn't put her down, and I felt my whole energy lift and expand as we interacted. One minute sitting peacefully together, the next minute she was weaving her beautiful body up around mine. It felt like a joining of hearts.
Snakes represent transformation and there is no doubt in my mind that Amy brought about a change in me over that week.

Thank you Amy, it was an honour to meet you!

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