Saturday, April 19, 2008

Laptops and Laryngitis!

Hello everyone! Yes, despite the lack of blog posting, I am still here! Where have I been these last couple of weeks? Well, the short version is that my beloved laptop decided she needed a break, and so did just that... broke down. I had no idea just how attached and reliant I had become on her, until she had her breakdown. I was desolate and felt totally isolated in my inability to communicate, saved only by a few furtive moments in hotel business centres! And then to top it all I succumbed to a rather vicious virus last week which resulted in me losing my voice and the will to drag myself out of bed.
Isn't it amazing how everything is interconnected and reflects back on us?!

The good news is that my laptop and voice have been recovered and we are back in circulation... just in time for the next edition of Universally Rio. All is perfect and all is well!

Remember ... Friday 25th is the closing date for contributions for the May/June edition!

Sally xx

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