Friday, November 30, 2007

Return to the Borders

Another day and another continent!
After a marathon journey from east to west, I wake up in the land of my ancestors, the Scottish Borders. The Ker clan were a wild bunch and apparently they were infamous sheep rustlers and probably not the most desirable neighbours to live by. We're a bit better behaved now but I have to admit that my wild streak still likes to break out once in a while!

So now I have a couple of days to catch up with myself, to unpack and to just revel in the joys of being home. Things like hot buttered crumpets and huge mugs of strong 'builders' tea while watching morning TV in bed are a decadent luxury high on my list, but once my body catches up with me I'll be out and about and firing on all cylinders. There is just so much to do! I'll keep you posted!

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